Chain Conveyor

A chain conveyor is a durable and rugged transportation conveyor, used to move products along a production line. Chain is used to convey pallets, racks, industrial containers, and other products with a sturdy lower surface that would not normally convey on rollers.


When roller conveyor is not an option we have various types of chain conveyors that will accomplish the task, which are designed with heavy duty welded structural steel material.

Use Cases

Chain Types

Various types of chains are available:

Technical Information

Scroll to view the table.
Maximum Capacity (lbs.) Chain Size Chain Track Material Top of Chain (in.) Minimum Chain Centers (in.) Horsepower
500 C50 UHMW 10 - 60 8 1/2
1500 C60 UHMW 14 - 60 9 1/2
2000 C60 UHMW 14 - 60 9 3/4
3000 C80 UHMW 15 - 60 14 1
4000 C80 Steel 16 - 60 16 2
6000 C100 Steel 18 - 60 16 3


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